Saturday, July 9, 2011


I met Prince in an orgy that I went to- it was my 3rd time and he said it was his 1st- and I believe him. He was actually shaking in fear (or excitement?) when we started making out. He was cute, fair and chunky and had braces on. His shaking was actually endearing which I really found cute. Most of the time it was us doing it except for some moments that I had to go around and not be rude by being with just 1 guy. We came at the same time by jacking off.

I left early and when I was in the parking area about to leave- I saw him walking towards my direction. I gave him a nod when I passed by him and he acknowledged and made a sign like he was texting. I opened my window and he asked for my number.

We exchanged messages the next day but apparently we weren't looking for the same thing- I was looking for NSA fun while he was looking for a bf. I was clear from the beginning and it actually came out of his mouth that I just want him as a fuck buddy. We met up a few more times- me for sex and him for a chat or a drink. What was weird though was that whenever I'd fuck him the last few times we did it, he didn't cum anymore. He said it was because he jacked off already. All good for me at least I didn't have to pleasure him anymore. This lasted a good 2 months until I guess he just couldn't take it in him and he said that its best if we don't see each other anymore as he's falling for me already. Not sure if its just an excuse or maybe he's already outgrown me too.

1 comment:

  1. The complexities of casual sex. Well, no place to go than to move forward.
